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Life is a journey and we believe in always seeking to be a better version of ourselves today than we were yesterday.  If you feel the same and are seeking the knowledge, know-how, and tips to continue improving, even if it’s just one tiny step at a time, then welcome to our community.

We are not only about physical fitness or nutrition or good habits or thoughts to ponder to try to be a better you.  Yes, we are about all of those things, but it’s more than that.  Life is about living!  Living as your true self, in your own uniqueness, and having fun while becoming the best possible version of you!  Our desire is to give you food for thought and tips about how to make your fitness, nutrition and desire for well-being work for you and not the other way around. We do this through fitness and yoga classes, health and life coaching, behavior change, and more.  You get to feel better physically and mentally, knowing that we will be right there with you, one breath and one step at a time.

We are all about fitness/yoga/behavior change and living… beyond the flex.